DIY (Kid’s Room) Trash Bin

I was thinking the other day that I needed a little bin to put my potatoes in. After creating this (not-so-perfect) bin I realized how great it’d be for a weekend craft to do with your children! Not all kids have their own trash bin in their room, but most of the time, they need one. It will definitely help those SOMETIMES lazy pre-teens from gathering trash from snacks in their bedrooms with no where to put it. I remember when I was younger, having a trash bin in my room made things so much easier on me. I didn’t have to go to the kitchen to throw away my trash I could just toss it right there in my room and dump the trash once a week in the larger bin.

The fun thing about these bins is that you can make them any color you want and add whatever you’d like to them. I’ll show you what I did…

  • You know those ugly Christmas tins you get sometimes full of popcorn? Well, that is what we will be turning into a cute, little trash bin. Perfect for a kid’s room. So, I grabbed the Christmas tin, some duct tape, paint, and one of those cool new duct tapes you can get. 

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  • I covered the tin in the normal grey duct tape so when I painted over it you couldn’t still see the 3D-like design through the paint. It’s actually pretty difficult to get this part perfect so just have fun with it.

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  • I decided to go ahead and paint the bin a dark green color. I used craft paint which dried in under 20 minutes! 

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  • The last thing I did was put a couple strips of the “cool” duct tape around it in a couple places and BOOM– all done. 

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Like I said, it’s not perfect. There are creases from the tape but this DIY project is easy to do and kid’s will love being able to design it for their bedroom.

There are so many different “cool” duct tapes out there.

Check them out on Amazon HERE!

You can add ribbon, buttons, anything you want. That’s what makes this easy craft so much fun. You can personalize it for you room, all the while upcycling an old Christmas tin.

And now I have a cute little bin to keep my potatoes in!

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