Find Out If Your Eggs Are Bad

If you’re like me, I love a good deal on my groceries. Lately, eggs have been SO cheap! Of course, I stocked up. Now the time is rolling around to clean out my fridge. So, which eggs should you keep and which should you toss? We all know that sometimes the “expiration” date or “sell by” date isn’t as accurate as we once thought. Why throw out completely edible food!? I’m here to show you a little trick so that next time you see that date on the carton you can be your own judge. Waste not. Want not.

  • Grab your eggs and fill a large glass bowl full of cold water.

(The temperature is important. If you try this with warm/hot water you may cook your eggs a little and we do NOT want that. Also, you need a larger bowl so you can tell the difference between if it sinks or floats. A glass bowl will help you determine this as well.)

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  • Grab an egg and slowly place it into the bowl of water. 

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  • Now is when you will determine whether to KEEP or DISCARD the egg. 

IF THE EGG SINKS — Your egg is fresh and is definitely worth keeping.

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IF THE EGG SINKS BUT STANDS AT AN ANGLE (STANDS ON IT’S POINT)– Your egg is still capable of eating, but do so soon. These are especially great when baking.

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IF THE EGG FLOATS— Discard. It’s NOT good for consumption.

Of course, if there is an odd color to the egg or it has a foul odor, please toss in the trash. Obviously, those are NO good.

I hope this helps! Next time be sure to test your eggs before tossing those good deals in the trash!