Week 4: Toss the Broken Items!


By this time, you should have accomplished at least 3 things on your initial list of projects to accomplish this year– so congrats! We’re on our way to a more simplified, organized way of living.

 Once we declutter our living space, we can begin to declutter our minds.


Photo credit: Photos particulières / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND



This week we are going to go through our apartments, rooms, houses– and either FIX or GET RID OF all of the broken items we have lying around. If you’re like me, then there are vases, ceramic knick-knacks etc, that you have lying around the house with the intention of fixing one of these days. Well, this week is the week to fix it OR toss it. I have had things in my house that I’ve had for years that are broken. Broken cellphones, computers, televisions… all kinds of things. I also have things like DVDs and CDs that are scratched to the point beyond ever playing again. TOSS THEM– there is no need to hold onto these items!

I will have a difficult time with this challenge. I am someone who likes holding onto things for their memory or because someone special gave it to me. Here is how I plan to overcome the difficult task of ridding my life and house of clutter:

Instead of keeping the item because of sentimental reasons, I am going to take pictures of those items and keep them in my Hope Chest (the chest in which I keep all memorabilia). If there is a small piece of the broken item I want to keep– (an example: one of my dogs ruined my high school prom dress, it was so difficult to get rid of but I finally cut some of the fabric from the dress and threw the rest in the trash) –then keep the small  piece in a special drawer, tote, or chest that will store the rest of your sentimental items.

What ideas do you have for overcoming the difficult task or ridding yourself of certain items? Do you find yourself getting attached to “things” or are you one of those that don’t have that problem?