Vegetarians can get FREEBIES too?!

After beginning my vegetarian journey a couple months ago– and also being a big FREEBIES fan (who isn’t, right?) I decided to do my research online to see if I could get any freebies that were focused on my journey. To my luck, I found TONS. Here they are:

On Compassion Over Killing, they offer a couple of freebies for us animal lovers.

  • A cute bumper sticker that says, “TryVeg” along with a short statement.



If you have children (or if you don’t and love fun magazines and FREE stickers– like me!), then Peta Kids offers something as well.


Speaking of Peta, they offer something for adults too!


Okay, back to STICKERS!

At Peta 2 they offer some free stickers! For anyone! Seriously– who doesn’t love stickers!?


Well, there you go!

You’ll be having Vegetarian/Vegan FREEBIES in your mailbox in probably about 6-8 weeks (depending on what the website tells you).

You’re welcome! 🙂

I’ll be updating this post as I come across more FREEBIES so “follow” me!

Green Onions are MAGIC!

After spending what seems like the majority of my day on Pinterest, I found several links about Green Onions (aka Spring Onions, Scallions) and how they have a renewable energy and will keep growing! I decided to try it out for myself a few weeks ago and let me tell you something… it WORKED and QUICKLY!!

Next time you buy green onions and use them, try this new trick!

When using the green onions, only chop them down to about where the white starts–close to the bulb.

  • Grab that old spaghetti sauce jar you kept, and washed that’s just been taking up space, and fill it half way with water.
  • Throw those bad boys greens in the jar!
  • Sit next to a window (or some say in a  fridge will work).
  • In a day or two, you’ll begin to see them growing!

I’d say…


But… after doing some research, many individuals say that this process only works between 4-6 times before they will stop growing.

However, you will save some money in the process and the kiddos love watching them grow!

Green Onions 003

And while we’re on the subject of green onions and how amazing they can be… let me tell you a little more about their benefits!

  • They are available year round. 
  • They can be eaten raw, grilled, or any other way you’d like to use them.

According to Suite 101 they can also:

  • Lower blood sugar
  • Decrease high cholesterol and blood pressure levels
  • Reduce the risk of developing colon and other cancers
  • Reduce inflammation

So, buy those green onions– keep them growing, and continue enjoying the benefits of these delicious greens!

Oh, and check this out:
