Spring Weekend Full of Family Activities!

I have been so incredibly busy this weekend. However, I wouldn’t have changed it for the world. I got to spend a lot of time with family. I had so much fun and it was so great to see everyone after not seeing them all in one place for a while now. I took some pictures to share with my followers!

–Bonfire for Brother’s 17th Birthday–

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Brother, Coleman, and his girlfriend bought a boat together. They were washing it when we arrived for his party!

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My sister, Shelby, and her boyfriend, Taylor, posing for the camera in front of my mom’s big back yard!

It’s so country out there. I love it. 🙂

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My sister Shelby’s THREE dogs. They’re so much fun. They loved running around in the field while we celebrated Coleman’s birthday.

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Coleman receiving his birthday cake/cheesecake that my mom made.


(Posting the recipe tomorrow!)

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Silly photos time.

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Happy 17th Birthday, Coleman!



–Kim’s Birthday Bash–

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Most of Kim’s family. Her family is huge. She had 7 children and they have had children. Needless to say several are missing from the picture!

(Kim is my boyfriend’s mother. She’s right in the middle of the picture!)

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Silly picture.

I love this family so much. They’re laid-back, funny, crazy, talented, and simply amazing.