Week Three: Removing Duplicates

For last week’s challenge, I decided to gather everything I was wanting to sell and put it on our local “Yardsale” page through Facebook. I sold tons of items I’ve been keeping around for my next big yardsale! If you don’t have one of these in your area, make one! Log onto Facebook and create a group. Name it whatever you want. In my town it’s called, “-MY TOWN NAME- Online Yardsales.” A lot of people in the community (over 5,000 members) takes a picture of their item for sale and posts it on this group’s page. When someone is interested, they comment on the picture and the two of you can decide a time and place to meet for the transfer. It’s much easier than Craigslist, in my opinion, because Craigslist can be… let’s face it, kind of scary.

Gone from my life :  13 Items.


This week may be difficult if you don’t have much time, but try your hardest to do as much of this as you can.


This week’s challenge is REMOVING DUPLICATES. Sounds easy, right? Well it is. Go through your house and do just that…. remove duplicates. Say you have two pairs of earrings that look exactly alike. Two pairs of diamond studs, well… keep one and sell the other. You can go through you whole house doing this. Keep one and sell, donate, or toss the duplicate.

A few (small) examples:

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I came across a few duplicates of small items. Items that cost less than 5 dollars.

If you have duplicates of cheap items, why not donate the duplicate? It’s just taking up space… and if one day you break or lose the other, go buy another!

Don’t leave things lying around for “just in case” ESPECIALLY if they cost less than 5 dollars.

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Another example: duplicates of the same product.

It’s taking up space. Things like this I understand that you may need more eventually so keep it!

However, to save room once a bottle is almost gone– pour the rest of the liquid into the other container.

This works with items that are the same exact things. Also works well with kitchen items such as ketchup, mustard, etc.

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I love fingernail polish. Always have. But sometimes when I’m in a store and see a color that I just can’t live without, I end up buying it just to realize I have a bottle at home that is almost the SAME exact color.

Of course, I keep both because well.. I paid for it.

But now I’m trying to cut back on clutter.

Donate one of the fingernail polishes. People love finding a cheap bottle at thrift stores!



Do NOT get rid of duplicate animals!  ❤


Another idea for ridding yourself of duplicates is to have a Swap Party.

Bring all of your duplicates that you’re willing to part with (everyone at the party will do this) then trade your items based on pricing.

You’ll get rid of your duplicates, and possibly come home with something you need.

However, if you’re trying to rid yourself of clutter (like me) then donating or selling is your best bet.


Facebook Users Taking Stand for Gender Equality!

I know I’m not the only one who’s been seeing a TON of people changing their default pictures to a red and pink equal sign.

So what does it all mean? Well, I’m here to tell you.


The Human Rights Campaign, an organization that supports gay marriage, has started a successful social media frenzy about the support of gay marriage. The Supreme Court will be ruling on the subject over the next couple of days. The first day of hearings began yesterday, March 26, 2013, at 8:30am in Washington, D.C. Yesterday, the Human Rights Campaign, asked it’s followers to support gay marriage by “painting the town red.” They are asking their supporters to wear red, display the equal sign as their default, attend events, and follow them on Twitter and Facebook for the latest information.

Everywhere you look, people are showing their support.

According to the newsfeed on TIME, “The photo has racked up more than 25,000 likes and 78,000 shares on the group’s Facebook page in the past 24 hours.” The court is discussing California’s Proposition 8, which takes away the right for same-sex couples to marry. Later, arguments will be heard about the Defense of Marriage Act, which has legally made marriage between a man and a woman since 1996.

Check out The Human Right’s Campaign’s Stand For Marriage website right here:  http://www.hrc.org/StandForMarriage

You can follow them on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.
