Make Single-Use Ointment Packs!

These DIY single-use packets are great for camping or keeping in backpacks and/or purses!

Keep in mind, you don’t have to use this just for ointment. You can use this same process for toothpaste (see how to make your own natural toothpaste by clicking the link), Vaseline, lip gloss, etc.

  • What You’ll Need; 

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scissors, pliers, ointment (or your preference), clean straw, lighter


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Squeeze ointment into straw (only enough for a single-time use).

(Ignore my scratched up craft/coffee table! )

  • STEP TWO; 

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Take your pliers and squeeze the end of straw shut.

(Some of the ointment may squeeze out while doing this– just wipe away with paper towel.)


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Use your lighter to burn the tip. Keep burning until you think it has melted closed. Squeeze the part you just melted to give it an extra seal.


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Cut the straw– leaving a little extra room to seal it.


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Take your pliers and repeat on this end.

That’s it. Easy, right?

One normal length straw makes about 4-5 individual packets for single-time use. 

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I tossed these bad boys in my purse, along with a few band-aids, and now I’ll always be prepared.


If you’re interested in where to find the floral pliers. Check them out here–  Floral Tool Kit or click the picture below.


DIY (Kid’s Room) Trash Bin

I was thinking the other day that I needed a little bin to put my potatoes in. After creating this (not-so-perfect) bin I realized how great it’d be for a weekend craft to do with your children! Not all kids have their own trash bin in their room, but most of the time, they need one. It will definitely help those SOMETIMES lazy pre-teens from gathering trash from snacks in their bedrooms with no where to put it. I remember when I was younger, having a trash bin in my room made things so much easier on me. I didn’t have to go to the kitchen to throw away my trash I could just toss it right there in my room and dump the trash once a week in the larger bin.

The fun thing about these bins is that you can make them any color you want and add whatever you’d like to them. I’ll show you what I did…

  • You know those ugly Christmas tins you get sometimes full of popcorn? Well, that is what we will be turning into a cute, little trash bin. Perfect for a kid’s room. So, I grabbed the Christmas tin, some duct tape, paint, and one of those cool new duct tapes you can get. 

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  • I covered the tin in the normal grey duct tape so when I painted over it you couldn’t still see the 3D-like design through the paint. It’s actually pretty difficult to get this part perfect so just have fun with it.

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  • I decided to go ahead and paint the bin a dark green color. I used craft paint which dried in under 20 minutes! 

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  • The last thing I did was put a couple strips of the “cool” duct tape around it in a couple places and BOOM– all done. 

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Like I said, it’s not perfect. There are creases from the tape but this DIY project is easy to do and kid’s will love being able to design it for their bedroom.

There are so many different “cool” duct tapes out there.

Check them out on Amazon HERE!

You can add ribbon, buttons, anything you want. That’s what makes this easy craft so much fun. You can personalize it for you room, all the while upcycling an old Christmas tin.

And now I have a cute little bin to keep my potatoes in!

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Make A Simple 5-Minute Minimalist Bracelet

This weekend, I spent some much needed time with my family. My mother, sister, and I decided to make some bracelets. I took the time to take pictures of the process in case any of you wanted to make this easy bracelet!

This bracelet is simple and adorable.

What You’ll Need:


String (or hemp material) of your choice, two buttons with preferably FOUR holes (one button is optional for the hooking bracelet together), a pair of scissors.

Step One: Cut your string into TWO long strands and weave them through the holes of the button.


Step Two: Cut another piece of string (this is where you can add a new color into it. I, however, kept my hemp string for all three strands)


Step Three: Take your newly cut string and wrap it around your button tying a double knot (on top of the string woven through button).


Step Four: Put one strand of the new string on each side of the button (there will be three strings on both sides of button). Now begin to braid both sides down to the size you want.

(The button will be the center of your bracelet)


Step Five: Once the bracelet is at the length you desire, tie a knot at one end. (If you chose to not do the optional “clasp” button– tie a knot at both ends leaving enough excess string to tie and then tie onto wrist/ankle/neck–this is where you’d end.)


Step Six: Grab TWO of your three strands on one side and slide your optional “clasp” button through the two and slide it up to the knot.


Step Seven: Squeeze the free string through one of the “clasp” button’s holes.


Step Eight: Pull the free string  to straighten out, once through one hole. Now, tie a  knot again to secure the button in place.


Step Nine: Cut any excess string off of this end. Now onto the next end. Tie a double knot, then wrap string around pinkie to create a loop. Tie a knot once again around pinkie. Slide new loop off finger.


Step Ten: Cut off excess string after you have secured loop.


There you have it! A simple, minimalist bracelet you can make with friends and family in 10 easy steps. Only takes about 5 minutes!

Put those old buttons to good use! 

The finished bracelets:



(The one below is one that we added in a new color to)


Very cute and easy-to-do.

If you have any questions or I left anything out, feel free to comment and I’ll get back with you.

Happy Braceleting! 

How-To Make Your Own Toothpaste!

A few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to eliminate some chemicals from my life that weren’t necessary. I researched “chemical-free alternatives to everyday essentials.”

The first thing I could think of that I used daily was my toothpaste.

So, how can you make your own toothpaste cheaply using household items?

  • Rummage through your kitchen and grab the ingredients for this easy-to-do recipe.

You’ll need: baking soda, coconut oil, salt (optional), a small jar, and some essential peppermint oil, and a bowl for mixing.

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  • Step One:  Place about 4-5 big spoonfuls of the baking soda into a bowl. 

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  • Step Two: Set aside this bowl of baking soda and grab a microwave-safe cup (this part is optional, but makes mixing a LOT easier) and put about 3 big spoonfuls of your coconut oil into it. 

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  • Step Three: For easier mixing, place the cup of coconut oil into the microwave for 20 seconds, or until almost fully melted.

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  • Step Four: Take out your melted coconut oil and add it to the bowl of baking soda.

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  • Step Five: Mix these two ingredients thoroughly and then add about a 1/2 teaspoon or so of peppermint oil (for taste).

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  • Step Six: (Optional) Add a couple shakes of salt for a more abrasive paste.

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  • Step Seven: Pour liquid into a small jar. (I bought a pack of 4 from Walmart, but baby food jars work perfectly!)

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  • Step Eight: Label the jar so friends and family won’t mistake it for something else– although this smells exactly like toothpaste, so hopefully they won’t get confused!

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There you have it. A cheap, chemical-free, alternative to toothpaste.

A couple tricks:

  1. I should warn you, it does NOT taste good. I’ve been using this toothpaste for 3 weeks now and my trick is to avoid brushing my tongue (or getting it on my tongue) until the very end of brushing.
  2. It seems very liquid-like when you pour the mixture into the jar, don’t worry– this will harden up quite a bit.
  3. Something you should know about coconut oil– when it is above room temperature, it melts. So, when you’re ready to brush your teeth, soak your toothbrush in hot/warm water THEN dip it into the jar to help the toothpaste come out of the jar easier.

This toothpaste works great!

Not only does it clean your teeth, but I’ve noticed my teeth getting much whiter too!