The Multiple Uses of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is the edible oil extracted from the “meat” of the coconut. It has been used for generations upon generations in food, beauty, and health.

Today I’m going to list you 50 uses for virgin coconut oil even though there are SO many more!

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  1. Moisturizer for your face, body, and neck.
  2. Helps with diaper rash (with no chemicals).
  3. As an eye cream. Placing under your eyes will reduce puffiness, wrinkles, bags, and dark circles.
  4. As a pre-shave. It will help prep your skin for shaving.
  5. As an aftershave. Helps heal the skin without clogging your pores.
  6. Makeup remover– even for mascara!
  7. Deodorant– alone or with baking soda.
  8. Chapstick. Has an SPF of 4. (I’ve been using this as chapstick for a while and my lips stay so soft!)
  9. Mix with sugar (or salt) for a natural body scrub. You can even add in some yummy smelling essential oils!
  10. As a body cream for stretch marks to reduce their appearance.
  11. Nipple Cream. For nursing mothers, this will help with the dry, cracked nipples between feedings.
  12. As a sexual lubricant. All natural, but can damage latex condoms so do NOT use with latex.
  13. As a daily conditioner. Uses on the bottom half of your hair and rinse like normal.
  14. For a deep conditioner. Apply all over and leave on for 20 minutes, or even place a shower cap over it and leave it overnight for an even deeper conditioning.
  15. Insect repellent. Mix with a little peppermint oil (or catnip or rosemary) and apply on skin.
  16. For cat and dog health. At a teaspoon to their water bowl daily. (I’d check with a vet before doing so)
  17. Goo Gone. Mix with baking soda to create a paste and allow to sit on sticky area then remove.
  18. Gets gum out of hair! Put all over the stuck gum, leave in for 30 minutes, then roll gum between fingers. Should come out without having to cut!
  19. Polishes bronze.
  20. Toothpaste. (I’ve showed you how to make the toothpaste with coconut oil HERE.)
  21. As oil in cooking. Has a 350 degree smoke point. Great for baking, stir-fry, etc.
  22. As a coffee creamer.
  23. Taken as a supplement for daily energy.
  24. To lighten age spots. Just apply directly to the spots.
  25. To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.
  26. Supports healthy thyroid functioning.
  27. In homemade lotion recipes.
  28. Topically to kill yeast or yeast infections.
  29. As a massage oil.
  30. Dab a little into your hands then into your hair to cure frizzy hairs.
  31. Intensive nighttime facial moisturizer.
  32. On feet to fight athlete’s foot or toe fungus.
  33. Helps sooth eczema and psoriasis.
  34. If ingested, could help prevent or reverse Alzheimers.
  35. With apple cider vinegar for a natural lice treatment.
  36. Rub a little inside your nose to help with allergies.
  37. Can help improve insulin levels.
  38. Blend a tablespoon into some hot tea for a speedy cold/flu recovery.
  39. As replacement for vegetable oil in ANY recipe.
  40. Helps reduce appearance of varicose veins.
  41. Helps speed up the healing of a sunburn.
  42. If applied daily, can help reduce cellulite.
  43. Reduces the itchiness of bug bites, chicken pox, and poison ivy.
  44. Can help reduce the appearance of acne if used regularly.
  45. Rubbed into scalp to help hair grow faster.
  46. Helps relieve pain of hemorrhoids if taken topically.
  47. On cuticles to help nails grow.
  48. Clears up cold sores.
  49. In children’s ears to help with a speedy ear-infection recovery.
  50. As an anti-aging moisturizer.

You can find coconut oil in almost any grocery store!