Sweet Potato Fries

Recipe for Sweet Potato Fries; 

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Two Large Sweet Potatoes
Olive Oil
Spray Oil (optional)
Salt/Pepper (to taste)
Seasoned Salt (to taste)

Sharp Knife
Large Baking Pan

  • Preheat your oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit and then grab those sweet potatoes and start peeling. After peeling, rinse potatoes.

(I’d suggest investing in a carrot/potato peeler on Amazon here or any local store that has kitchen utensils. It lessens peeling time by A LOT!)

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  • Now this is the hard part. Cutting into the shape of fries.

(Sweet potatoes can be much harder to cut compared to normal potatoes so make sure you’re using a sharp knife and be careful. And remember, they don’t have to be perfect.)

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  • Once you have the potatoes sliced, grab a large bowl and toss them in.

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  • Now comes the extras. Pour about 2 tablespoons of olive oil (or any kind of oil you prefer). Then add some salt, pepper, and seasoned salt for taste. 

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  • Stir up the sliced potatoes so they all become covered with the oil and seasonings. Now, grab your baking dish and spray some vegetable oil onto it.

(Not as much as I did in the picture, I was trying to get a picture of it spraying. Bad idea. Just lightly coat the pan.)

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  • Toss on the slices of sweet potatoes and put it into your oven once it’s preheated. Cook these fries for about 8-10 minutes and then flip them over or at least move them around. Cook for another 8-10 minutes. 

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  • Once they’ve cooked, sometimes they won’t look as crispy as some may like them. If this is you, turn on the broiler and cook them another 3-5 minutes until they’re perfected to your taste.

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I must say, these sweet potato fries were DELICIOUS!

I suggest pairing these with some Mushroom Burgers! For the recipe click here.

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