Minimalist Mondays


I’ve been wanting to simply my life for a while now. I want my house to be organized and I want to be happier. So, how can we do this? Well, I’ve created a 52 Week Challenge. We will work on at least one thing a week (I will post 1 blog per week on what I’m calling “Minimalist Mondays”) I am no professional and am creating this as I go but as I continue my research, I think we can make 2013 the year we get organized and learn to live a happier life. I know what you’re thinking… a WHOLE year!? The thing is, getting your life and things organized is an ongoing process. It won’t happen overnight and it’s not only “cleaning” it’s a lifestyle change.

Week 1: Where do I start? 

Week 2: Time for Action! 

Week 3: Removing Duplicates

Week 4: Toss the Broken Items! 

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