Make A Dreamboard

What is a dreamboard (or vision board)?

sample (1)

A dreamboard is a collage of images that you want to accomplish in your life. A dreamboard is an easy way to remind yourself of what you want and to give you the motivation to go out and get it.

In the popular book (and documentary), The Secret, dreamboards are mentioned several times. In the book, you are taught that you can achieve anything you want in life simply by the laws of attraction. The laws of attraction mentioned in the book tell us that if we put what we want out into the universe, the universe will give that to us. It can work for good or bad. For example, if you imagine winning the lottery and really believe that you’re going to, you will. Of course, they say it takes time, depending on the wish. Another example would be those who feel like they have the worst luck. If someone is in debt and continues to think they’re never going to get out of it, then they won’t. The laws of attraction can work whichever way they want. Basically, if you think positive and imagine what you wish for in life, eventually the universe will give you that.

“Everything is possible. Nothing is impossible.” — The Secret.

One story was told by a man named, John Assarf. John had made a few visionboards of what he wanted out of life. Five years later, John opens a box and begins looking through some of  his old visionboards and comes across one with a picture of his dream house, only to realize he had just moved into that same exact house. You can hear more of his story on YouTube, HERE.


(By clicking the picture, it will take you to Amazon to look at this book.)

Dreamboards are a way to keep all of our dreams and goals together in one place. Focusing on them daily and sending out those powerful positive vibes out into the universe will help you achieve these goals.

Before, dreamboards were typically made on corkboards or posterboards with images cut from magazines and newspapers.

You can find some REALLY cute boards to use on Amazon!

Here is an example,


(By clicking the picture, it will take you to Amazon to look at this board.)

Even though physically having a board posted on your wall in your bedroom would help you see it more often, there are now ways to make dreamboards online.

People are online more now than ever before, so making one online, saving it, and making it your desktop picture may make things a bit more easier for you. There are even ways to make your dreamboard mobile for those who can add applications to their phone.

The website I suggest for making your dreamboard is one of these two sites:

Digital Dreamboard — However, this site is currently under maintenance but says it should be back up by tomorrow. (April 3, 2013)


Dream It Alive — The one I use.

Make a dreamboard and watch your every wish come true!

Don’t forget to check out more success stories using dream boards on YouTube!