Egg Shells Are Great For Gardens!

5 Ways to Use Eggshells in Your Garden



Photo credit: Darny / / CC BY-NC-ND


  1. You can add crushed eggshells to planting holes. (Especially good for tomatoes, peppers and eggplant because they are susceptible to blossom-end rot because of calcium deficiency. Although at times, blossom-end rot is do to improper watering, putting egg shells in your garden will give them the calcium they need and nourish your soil and plants.
  2. Wash out your eggshells, then use them as seed starters. After breaking your eggs and cleaning it out, place back into egg carton and fill with soil and plant your seed. When they begin to grow, just put the whole starter in the soil– eggshell and all.
  3. Crushed eggshells are known to deter slugs, snails, and cutworms. Because of these pest’s soft undersides, the sharp eggshells will deter them from bothering your plants.
  4. Add your eggshells to your compost. This will add calcium to your compost and will be great for your garden!
  5. If you have bird feeders in your garden, put some crushed eggshells close to the feeder. Female birds, especially those about to lay eggs or have just laid eggs, require extra calcium. They will love you for it!



Added bonus–

If you boil eggs, use the water you boiled them in to water your garden. The water becomes enriched with calcium! Why waste the water when your garden would love it!?