Tie Dye With Bleach!

I have been wanting to try tie dying with bleach for a while now. The weather was absolutely beautiful today so I figured I’d do it today!  After watching some YouTube tutorials and reading online, I realized how easy it was. There is no “wrong” way to tie dye a shirt. It all depends on your preference. I tried three different ways with a few old shirts of mine.

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What You’ll Need: 

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Bleach. Hair ties (or rubber bands). Water. An old bottle with a tip similar to photo. (I used old hair dye application bottle)

Gloves are optional, but highly recommended– bleach can damage your skin.

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One or more old t-shirts.

  • Fill bottle with 80% bleach, 20% water and give it a little shake.

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Style One;

(my favorite)

  • Grab your first shirt and begin twisting counter-clockwise from the center.

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  • Once you have it spun completely around, grab your hair ties and place them all around like how you’d slice a pizza, if that makes sense? 

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  • Now grab your bottle of bleach/water and cover majority of both sides with the liquid. 

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  • Let sit for about 15 minutes, or until the bleach has reached your desired color. 

Style Two;

  • Grab your shirt and begin spinning counter-clockwise like in Style One. 

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  • Now, we are not going to use hair ties for this one. So, the next step is to grab the bottle of bleach/water and put some liquid in the middle of the spiral and follow some of the lines until you get to the outside of the shirt.

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  • Flip over this shirt carefully, keeping it spun. Repeat spiral with liquid on the new side. (This side will be easier to see the spirals.)

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  • Let sit for 15 minutes or until bleached to the color you desire.

Style Three;

  • Grab your shirt and lay it out flat.

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  • Take your bottle of bleach/water and begin making whatever designs you like. (For a more precise design such as words. Use a Bleach Pen!)

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  • Flip over and repeat.

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  • Let sit for 15 minutes or until bleach parts turn desired color.

Last step: Grab your shirts, wash them, dry them.

(I like to hand wash them to make sure the bleach doesn’t ruin other clothes.)


  • Style One;

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  • Style Two;

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  • Style Three;

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Have fun!

Don’t forget to post pictures of your bleach tie dye shirts below!