It’s been a while…

Sorry I haven’t been active much in the past… well, THREE years. My life has taken a lot of twists and turns! Though I’m still much a hippie at heart and still on my vegan journey, I have decided to start a new blog with a new passion of mine. Yes, you may be surprised… but it is AVON. They do not test on animals and are such an amazing company that does a lot for Breast Cancer Awareness and Domestic Violence. If you would like to follow me and my Avon journey or just follow me in general, please follow my other blog. It’s called, “Your Lady, Shalin.” I am also on Facebook at Your Lady, Shalin. Thank you for so many views and “likes” on this blog. I may continue Girl Gone Hippie eventually, but with my life the way it is right now, I’m focusing more of my efforts on trying to work from home with Avon so I can continue doing more online hippie things! Much love, Shalin.