Camping Weather Is Upon Us!

The Spring weather is slowly, but surely, making it’s way around our neck of the woods. We all know that that means; CAMPING TIME! 

The internet is the PERFECT place to find free samples!

I’ll let you in on a little “trick” of mine…

I am a huge fan of free samples, especially when I choose to save them for the nicer weather when people are starting to travel more and of course… camp. I check my “freebie” sites once a day. Even if I don’t need/want the free sample, I’ll fill out the form anyways. (You never know when you might need that one strand of floss or Airborne pill.) Besides, you can always give that  free diaper, for example, away to a friend or family member– or even to a local charity.

One of the most popular free samples is a package of shampoo and/or conditioner. I save these up, along with my other freebies, and toss them into my overnight bag and take them camping with me.

Unopened. No spill. No mess.

You can toss the packaging in the trash to eliminate the amount of stuff you’ll be hauling back home with you. Make room for those cool rocks you found while hiking, right!?

I mean, just take a look at some of these free samples I can easily toss into a bag for camping!

freebies 001

I have enough shampoo and conditioner to last probably a couple weeks camping and won’t have to haul it home.

There are sanitizers, wipes, feminine products, toothpaste…. any personal product item you may need you can MORE than likely get it as a free sample throughout the year!

Here is a list of some of my favorite FREEBIE websites:

Shop 4 Freebies

Free Samples. Org

Free Mania

That Freebie Site

Check them out and start stocking up for your own camping trips!

For some Vegetarian Freebies- –CLICK HERE.

Make A Simple 5-Minute Minimalist Bracelet

This weekend, I spent some much needed time with my family. My mother, sister, and I decided to make some bracelets. I took the time to take pictures of the process in case any of you wanted to make this easy bracelet!

This bracelet is simple and adorable.

What You’ll Need:


String (or hemp material) of your choice, two buttons with preferably FOUR holes (one button is optional for the hooking bracelet together), a pair of scissors.

Step One: Cut your string into TWO long strands and weave them through the holes of the button.


Step Two: Cut another piece of string (this is where you can add a new color into it. I, however, kept my hemp string for all three strands)


Step Three: Take your newly cut string and wrap it around your button tying a double knot (on top of the string woven through button).


Step Four: Put one strand of the new string on each side of the button (there will be three strings on both sides of button). Now begin to braid both sides down to the size you want.

(The button will be the center of your bracelet)


Step Five: Once the bracelet is at the length you desire, tie a knot at one end. (If you chose to not do the optional “clasp” button– tie a knot at both ends leaving enough excess string to tie and then tie onto wrist/ankle/neck–this is where you’d end.)


Step Six: Grab TWO of your three strands on one side and slide your optional “clasp” button through the two and slide it up to the knot.


Step Seven: Squeeze the free string through one of the “clasp” button’s holes.


Step Eight: Pull the free string  to straighten out, once through one hole. Now, tie a  knot again to secure the button in place.


Step Nine: Cut any excess string off of this end. Now onto the next end. Tie a double knot, then wrap string around pinkie to create a loop. Tie a knot once again around pinkie. Slide new loop off finger.


Step Ten: Cut off excess string after you have secured loop.


There you have it! A simple, minimalist bracelet you can make with friends and family in 10 easy steps. Only takes about 5 minutes!

Put those old buttons to good use! 

The finished bracelets:



(The one below is one that we added in a new color to)


Very cute and easy-to-do.

If you have any questions or I left anything out, feel free to comment and I’ll get back with you.

Happy Braceleting!