Facebook Users Taking Stand for Gender Equality!

I know I’m not the only one who’s been seeing a TON of people changing their default pictures to a red and pink equal sign.

So what does it all mean? Well, I’m here to tell you.


The Human Rights Campaign, an organization that supports gay marriage, has started a successful social media frenzy about the support of gay marriage. The Supreme Court will be ruling on the subject over the next couple of days. The first day of hearings began yesterday, March 26, 2013, at 8:30am in Washington, D.C. Yesterday, the Human Rights Campaign, asked it’s followers to support gay marriage by “painting the town red.” They are asking their supporters to wear red, display the equal sign as their default, attend events, and follow them on Twitter and Facebook for the latest information.

Everywhere you look, people are showing their support.

According to the newsfeed on TIME, “The photo has racked up more than 25,000 likes and 78,000 shares on the group’s Facebook page in the past 24 hours.” The court is discussing California’s Proposition 8, which takes away the right for same-sex couples to marry. Later, arguments will be heard about the Defense of Marriage Act, which has legally made marriage between a man and a woman since 1996.

Check out The Human Right’s Campaign’s Stand For Marriage website right here:  http://www.hrc.org/StandForMarriage

You can follow them on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.


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